Reviewing the pros and cons of clear aligner treatment

Reviewing the pros and cons of clear aligner treatment

Not having perfectly-aligned teeth or orthodontic concerns, such as crossbites, underbites, and overbites, can impact your confidence. While you can seek orthodontic care at an early age, it is never too late. Even adults can get braces, and there are reliable orthodontic services to rely on. If you are not a fan of metalwork used for traditional braces, you can talk to your dentist about clear aligners. In this post, we are discussing the pros and cons of the option.

What are clear aligners?

Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners rely on clear, plastic aligners to straighten teeth in a similar manner. These trays are removable, and the patient is expected to wear the custom aligners for at least 20 hours each day. Your orthodontist will replace the existing set of clear aligners with a new one every two weeks.

Benefits at a glance

  1. Because clear aligners are made of plastic, these feel much more comfortable than standard metal braces.
  2. There is no need for tightening braces, which can be otherwise painful.
  3. You can remove your aligners while eating and brushing, which allows you to keep up with oral hygiene habits.
  4. As clear aligners are almost invisible to the eyes from a distance, the treatment is a better choice for patients who work in professional environments.
  5. You may not need as many visits to the dental clinic for clear aligner treatment.

On the flip side

  1. It is common to have speech concerns when using clear aligners for the first few days, although the issue usually subsides with time.
  2. You need to commit to the clear aligner treatment. To get visible results, you must wear the trays for at least 20-22 hours each day.
  3. Compared to braces, clear aligners are best suited for mild to moderate orthodontic concerns.
  4. The cost of clear aligner treatment is considerably higher than metal braces, and insurance may not pay for that. Check in advance about if the clinic offers flexible payment plans.

In conclusion

If you are interested in clear aligners, talk to your dentist in detail and discuss all relevant aspects. They will take 3D images and x-rays to do a thorough exam to determine if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. As long as you adhere to your orthodontist’s advice, you can expect to see results within months. It can take anywhere between six to eighteen months to get a straighter smile with clear aligner treatment.

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