Just passed 5 million sign ups in the first four hours… (Mark Zuckerberg/@[email protected])

Paul Sebastian

Paul Sebastian is an avid wordsmith and a dedicated storyteller who has been crafting narratives for over a decade. With a Bachelor's degree in Creative Writing and a passion for exploring the human experience, Paul Sebastian infuses his writing with a blend of artistry and empathy that leaves readers both moved and enlightened.

Previous Post NYC law on AI use in hiring goes into effect; the law requires software audits, disclosure of impact on a race or gender, and fines of up to $1.5K/violation/day (Lauren Weber/Wall Street Journal)
The rise of TikTok, Clubhouse, and Substack shows that social networks have gotten competitive again, amid antitrust pressure on Facebook from the US government
Next Post The rise of TikTok, Clubhouse, and Substack shows that social networks have gotten competitive again, amid antitrust pressure on Facebook from the US government