How to Spot and Prevent a Spider Infestation in Your Home

How to Spot and Prevent a Spider Infestation in Your Home

If you’re experiencing a spider infestation, you might find it hard to sleep at night. The fear that a furry little friend will be on the pillow beside you when you wake up affects up to 15% of people. These creepy crawlies aren’t usually harmful, but they rarely make for welcome houseguests.

If you’re jumping every time you feel a tickle or itch, it’s time to get rid of your spider roommates. Follow the tips below to spot infestations, banish spiders, and prevent them from returning.

Spot a Spider Infestation

While spiders are good at remaining subtle and sneaking into your home, there are a few clever ways to determine if you have an infestation. If you see any of these signs, make sure you contact a pest control team as they’ll be able to confirm if it’s an infestation or not. Look out for:

  • webs
  • spiders
  • egg sacs
  • excess humidity
  • bites on your skin

Use Pest Control to Get Rid of Spiders

Pest control companies help with both spider infestations and spider prevention. Your exterminator will use a distinct range of chemicals designed to get rid of spiders but not linger in your home.

It’s a good idea to contact a pest control company as soon as you think you may have a spider infestation. Your pest control team will check just how serious your spider infestation is. The experts can solve the problem early before you find your home overrun with the eight-legged menace.

Try Burning Essential Oils

You can deter insects and spiders by burning essential oils like peppermint. There’s no official theory about why spiders don’t like peppermint oil, but it does appear to keep them at bay.

Other oils that could help send spiders packing include citrus, eucalyptus, and lavender. Most oils that have a lingering, strong scent will do the trick.

Make sure to burn the oil in every room in your home, not just the ones in which you’ve seen spiders or webs. Spiders are crafty and even if you haven’t spotted them in a particular area of your home, they could still be living there.

Remove Spider Webs

The spiders in your house have made your home theirs by spinning their webs in every corner. By removing these webs every time you see one, you’ll make spiders feel threatened, so they retreat outdoors.

Spider webs are usually quite sticky, so it’s best to use a broom, a brush, or a specialized spider-web-removal tool to get rid of them. Twist the tool you’re using around the web to make sure it’s entirely pulled away from the floor, wall, or ceiling.

Vacuuming is also an excellent way to remove spiders because you can suck up their webs as you go. You can also use your vacuum to reach tighter spots or difficult areas where spiders might be hiding.

Don’t Spin Out Over a Spider Infestation!

A spider infestation is easily dealt with using the right tools. Cleaning your home regularly, removing webs as you find them, and burning peppermint oil lets spiders know they aren’t welcome.

If you’ve got stubborn spiders who aren’t taking the hint, it’s time to get a pest control company involved. Using specialized equipment, an exterminator will send even the most comfortable spiders running.

Spiders aren’t the only problem we can help you out with! Whether you need entertainment or detailed information, you’ll find lots of content on our site that’s just right for you.

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