Every cigar enthusiast, whether experienced or brand-new, must deal with the problem of cigar storage once their collection exceeds what they can comfortably smoke in a few weeks. It’s important to keep cigars stored at the proper temperature and humidity level to ensure their longevity, but doing so can be difficult.
Depending on where in the USA you live, the difficulty of temperature control also varies. It’s a huge country with a variety of weather conditions throughout the year, including high humidity, desert dryness, and extreme heat and cold. Be at ease, though! By paying strict attention to detail and being open to trying new things, you can maintain your cigar humidor in the best possible conditions.
The 70/70 Rule
You want to maintain circumstances that are similar to those found where the cigars were manufactured when preserving cigars, whether in a little desktop humidor or a sizable walk-in humidor for businesses. Having authentic Cuban cigars or any other cigars from the Caribbean calls for a warm, humid setting.
Premium cigars should generally be stored at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 percent relative humidity, or the “70/70 rule.” Your tobacco will remain fresh for a very long time in this consistent climate, allowing you to smoke your preferred cigars anytime you want without having to be concerned about mildew and decay or being harmed by insects.
To prevent your cigars from drying out, a proper humidor will have a humidifying mechanism to add moisture to the enclosed space. This can be done using a sponge dipped in propylene glycol or distilled water, or it can be done with a computerised hygrometer that regulates the humidifier and air flow automatically. The relative humidity levels for your cigars can be easily managed with the help of humidors.
How about the temperature, though?
When modifying a humidor, moisture level frequently takes precedence over temperature control, yet disregarding temperature altogether is a significant error when it comes to maintaining both current and historic cigars in the best possible condition.
The Importance of Temperature Control in Your Humidor
To prevent your cigars from drying out, a proper humidor will have a humidifying mechanism to add moisture to the enclosed space. This can be done using a sponge dipped in propylene glycol or humidor fridge distilled water, or it can be done with a computerised hygrometer that regulates the humidifier and air flow automatically. The relative humidity levels for your cigars can be easily managed with the help of humidors.
How about the temperature, though?
When modifying a humidor, moisture level frequently takes precedence over temperature control, yet disregarding temperature altogether is a significant error when it comes to maintaining both current and historic cigars in the best possible condition.
Ways to Keep Your Humidor at 70 Degrees
It’s time to prioritise temperature control now that you fully understand why you must maintain your humidor at 70 degrees (plus or minus a few degrees depending on your tastes).
Use these suggestions to ensure that your humidor keeps a constant temperature all year long.
What About Northerners?
You are correct if you noted that the majority of the aforementioned advice focuses on keeping your humidor cool. A lot of work is put into maintaining tobacco insects and mould at bay with cooler temperatures because the issues that arise for cigars when the temperature rises above 75 are rather severe.
However, if you reside in a frigid region, this might not ever be your top priority. For smokers in the north, getting a humidor to 68 or 70 degrees might be difficult, particularly in the winter. When it’s below zero outside or there is a blizzard, heating your home to 70 degrees is not always practicable or inexpensive. This is especially true when you can just pull on another sweater and continue living your life, confident in your fortitude.
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