Exercise for Heart Health: How to Get Moving and Stay Moving

Exercise for Heart Health: How to Get Moving and Stay Moving

Did you know that over 17 million people die every year from cardiovascular disease?

The narrowing of the arteries causes cardiovascular disease. It can lead to heart attack, stroke, or other problems.

One of the best ways to combat cardiovascular disease is an exercise plan. It helps you lose weight, control blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improve your mood, and reduce stress.

If you are looking for tips on how to exercise for heart health, this simple guide is for you.

Set a Goal 

The first step in getting started is setting a goal that is within reach. This is especially true if you’ve had surgery for heart failure.

You should set a cardiovascular health goal that encourages you to keep going. Set a goal that isn’t too far off in the future, but also not something so easy that it won’t take any effort on your part.

Stretch Before Exercising 

An excellent way to start is by doing a five-minute warm-up and stretching routine before you begin your exercise session.

This helps prevent injury and burnout when exercising for heart health. It also allows your body to adjust to the increased activity level and helps you avoid plateaus where you stop seeing results from your exercise program.

Make Exercise Part of Your Daily Routine 

Try to fit in 10 minutes of walking on most days, with a long walk on two or three days per week.

If you’re new to exercise or have health conditions that limit your activity levels, start slowly, with just five minutes per day. You can gradually increase from there as your fitness improves.

You’ll begin feeling better quickly, so much so that it’ll be easier to continue exercising regularly.

Make It Fun 

Try exercise that is enjoyable, such as dancing or walking with a friend. You’ll be more likely to stick with it.

If you’re just starting an exercise program, begin with activities that don’t require special equipment. As you become more fit, try something new or more challenging.

Keep Track of Your Progress 

Keeping a record of your progress can help keep you motivated and focused on reaching goals.

Write the number of steps you walked each day, how many calories you burned in your exercise session, and so on. You might even want to keep records of how many pounds you lost or gained.

This kind of information will help you see how far you’ve come and what areas need improvement.

This Is the Way to Exercise for Heart Health 

It is important to exercise for heart health, but the benefits of exercise go beyond that. Exercise can help improve your mood, and boost brain power.

It can reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen bones and muscles, and promote healthy weight loss. Exercise may even extend your life by years.

Don’t forget to browse our site for advice on health, fitness, CBD, and more.

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