Common Job Injuries Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in Alexandria

Common Job Injuries Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in Alexandria

The Workers Compensation Act allows for compensation for almost any accident sustained during employment. However, the onus of proof rests with the injured worker to meet the criteria for a compensable injury.

Following an injury sustained while working, you can rely on knowledgeable legal counsel, consideration, and superior service when you call an Alexandria workers’ comp attorney attorney at Injured Workers Law Firm in Alexandria. This law firm is dedicated to establishing workers’ compensation coverage for workplace accidents, ensuring you receive rightful wage replacement and medical benefits.

The primary causes of workplace injuries often include:

  • Being struck by objects and/or work area debris
  • Electrocution and burns
  • Exposure to hazardous substances
  • Getting caught in/between objects/equipment
  • Motor vehicle-related accidents
  • Repetitive tasks and poor ergonomics in the workplace causing overexertion and muscle strain
  • Slips, trips, and falls.

The following are various benefits you are eligible to receive in case you are ever hurt or get ill on the job:

Medical benefits.

You are entitled to receive the following medical benefits:

  • Visit both primary and specialist doctors
  • Entire cost of hospitalization, both as in-patient or out-patient care
  • Medical testing, if required, for diagnosing and treating injuries
  • Physical rehabilitation, if needed for your recovery
  • Medications and other aids like wheelchairs or back braces
  • Prosthetic devices to both repair and replace any damaged joints and limbs.

Besides all the above you are also entitled to compensation for your transportation costs.

Temporary disability benefits. 

Work-related injuries can lead to temporary disabilities, resulting in two types of benefits: 

  • Temporary Total Disability (TTD), covering 66.67 percent of your earnings
  • Temporary Partial Disability (TPD), compensating for lost wages if you return to work with limitations. 

The first seven days of incapacity are unpaid, but backdated reimbursement is possible if the disability lasts 21 days or more.

Permanent disability benefits.

Alexandria’s workers’ compensation program offers two types of benefits for employees experiencing permanent disabilities. 

  • The first, Permanent Partial Disability Benefits (PPD), comes into play when your authorized treating physician declares that you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and any remaining disabilities are likely permanent. Compensation may be provided based on an impairment rating for permanent impairment, disfigurement, or scarring. 
  • The second, Permanent Total Disability Benefits (PTD), is available if you are left entirely and permanently incapable of working due to your injuries, offering wage replacement.

Death benefits.

If there is an unfortunate death of a worker because of work-related injuries in Alexandria, then his family is entitled to get death compensation. This amount is a maximum of up to $10,000 for burial and up to $1,000 for transportation and compensation for his missed wages.

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