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If you’re like me, then you’ve been searching for a better method to light candles. It’s possible to use a lighter, however, what happens if there’s no flame? If the flame doesn’t remain burning? What is the possibility of the lighter burning? There are other methods for lighting candles without the use of matches or lighters. There are five simple ways to light candles that anyone can utilize:


  1. Friction

If you’re not a candle lighting expert, you may be thinking about what you can do to ignite a match with the aid of a lighter. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular methods to accomplish this:

Friction. The most straightforward method is pressing two pieces of wood in a row. But be cautious! You do not want to accidentally burn yourself or cause any harm to your home that could result in the filing of an insurance claim. There are also those who use friction to achieve something more powerful than their hands alone can accomplish (like the lighting dryer lint).

This technique requires some patience and permits you to generate warmth quickly. However, it is best to use outdoors since it creates a lot of smoke when burned indoors by opening doors or windows that open to multiple rooms at once.

Rubbing Flint Using Steel: This method involves rubbing one piece against another until they get sufficiently hot for the purpose of ignition. Rubbing Flint Using Steel and Wood: This technique makes use of two different materials on the other side (the steel)to get hotter than usual while being capable of producing enough heat without creating excessive noise due to rubs.

  1. Use The Stove

It is possible to use an electric stove to light candles, however, it’s more complex than just putting the wick into the flame. Be careful not to spill any hot wax on your skin.

If you’re using a gas-powered stove you should use flameproof propane or electric stove. When you’re cooking with an electric appliance, be sure it’s shut off prior to lighting your candle.

If you are lighting your candle on the electric stove, switch on the burner and place the candle over the burner. Be sure your flame sits at least 4 inches away from the candle’s wick.

  1. A Magnifying Glass

If you own a magnifying glass that can concentrate the sun’s rays onto the candle, you’re ready. It’s important to ensure that there aren’t any other distractions in the vicinity when you’re doing this. The most important thing is to have someone else come to your home and laugh at the way you look when holding an unlit candle on your face.

The suitable size for magnifying glasses should be a minimum of 3 inches in diameter (a smaller one can only be used if it comes with an adaptable lens).

  1. A Focused Parabolic Reflector

Parabolic reflectors are a device that is used to focus sunlight’s rays onto the candle, which can produce a flaming flame. The parabolic reflector is constructed from aluminum foil, cardboard, or even paper.

You can also purchase one from any hardware store. They’re known as “reflection mirrors.”

  1. An Alcohol Flame

When you’re lighting a candle with a lighter, or match, make use of it to ignite the alcohol. The flame should be low enough to not set the candle ablaze. Start a match, and place it on top of the container until all of the fuel has been burned off, and then place the match that is empty into the opposite end of the container (the one that has candles).

If you’re using a real source of flames, such as Bic lighters or candles then go ahead and light it up!

  1. Rubbing

If you’re looking to light a candle without the use of a lighter There are two ways you can employ. The first method is that of pressing two sticks together and then igniting them through friction. This is a good option if your sticks aren’t too big and have sufficient space (like the twigs). If not, you can try using a magnifying lens to direct sunlight towards the sticks.

The other method is to make use of static electricity generated by rubbing wet hands as they move through the dry air molecules around you. This creates sparks that spark combustible materials such as wood shavings or paper (as so long as the materials are dry).

  1. Static Electricity

Static Electricity is the accumulation of electrical charges on the surfaces of objects. When you rub two objects together, such as your hands and the balloon the static buildup could provide enough energy to ignite a candle.

Three things are required to perform this trick:

  • A lighter or another fuel source (candle)
  • A thing to rub (balloon)


  1. Friction

If you’re looking to light a candle without an ignition source, the most effective method is making friction with two things. This can be accomplished by using your hands to create friction or by rubbing them against cotton balls. Sandpaper can be used too! If you have access to sandpaper, you can try rubbing one side against the other side (like the way they create CDs).

  1. Sun

Another method of creating the heat needed to light your candle without the use of a lighter is to direct sunlight on the wick (the part that is burned). It appears that this method is more effective than friction since there’s no chance of burning.

However, it is required the presence of windows or doors through which sunlight can enter your home and strikes any surface(s) that may be surrounding these surfaces or wicks. This means that if you don’t have any windows in the vicinity, this technique won’t work for everyone who needs candles to be lit fast, and therefore let’s get on with it.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this piece of trivia. I’m looking forward to seeing your answers. If you’re interested in finding out how to light candles using lighters, take a look at our other articles on the subject! Here’s every method to light a candle without using a lighter. If you have any other ideas that we didn’t cover please share your suggestions in the comments below.


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